Biafra: Ohanaeze President General Chief Nwodo a slave of the caliphate that betrayed his own people
Biafra News Team
It has become absolutely necessary to reply Chief
Nnia Nwodo, on his Aso Villa sponsored umbrage on the great and
noble IPOB and our humble leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Chief Nwodo’s F.G- backed
tissue of lies which was designed to blackmail and paint us as violent,
disrespectful and unintelligent bunch of ingrates is only an arm of the war
declared on us by the Federal Government of Nigeria, using resources earned
from the oil coming out of the sacred land of Biafra.
We begin by reminding Nwodo, that our leader Mazi Nnamdi
Kanu represents the righteous anger of the much abused, much betrayed masses of
Eastern region, who have watched helplessly for 47 years as their so called
leaders traded away their collective future for peanuts; who have lost all
faith in the sincerity of the elders to stand up like men to defend, promote
and protect the younger generation, who have been sentenced to a life of
eternal servitude by the oppressor and owners of Nigeria, with the active
connivance of the pliant pseudo leaders who pretend, they care about our
Here are some of the reasons we parted ways with Nwodo and
his cabal.
1. When our leader
visited Chief Nwodo at his residence in Enugu, on a courtesy call, Nwodo
deliberately arranged a top American official of the U.S Embassy to appear and
confirm the presence of our leader at his residence. We were shocked,
disappointed and let down at the fact, that he could not resist the temptation
to trade with the visit of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to his residence. We have always
known though, that most of our so called leaders have always been agents of
intelligence agencies of local and foreign powers.
2. When we
paralyzed Biafraland on 30th May this year and the oppressor panicked and
responded with a quit notice, the F.G. immediately reached out to all the
zones, Nwodo moved his train to Abuja and met with the Acting President,
Osinbajo and announced that check points and appointments into Buhari’s
government were our only grouse with Nigeria. This is a blatant lie because our
leader agreed with Nwodo that Nigeria must show commitment towards addressing
our key demand which is referendum.
Nwodo did not inform our leader, that a meeting was
scheduled with Osinbajo despite the fact that IPOB agitation was what led to
the meeting being convened in the first place. Nwodo did not ask for our input
or grouse with Nigeria before going to demand for a few ministerial
appointments for his friends at the expense of our freedom as a people. He and
his gang rushed to Abuja and told Osinbajo, that all we ever wanted were more
appointments into the APC government. Again, we were shocked to the marrow that
OHANEZE leadership has misread the mood of the people and willing to reach a
deal with Abuja that will in perpetuity hold us down as a conquered
people. Nwodo and his petty cabal drew
up a list of potential appointees and gave this list to the acting President.
3. When the
Presidency without provocation launched into a tirade of hate speech against
our leader by calling him a tout, a nonentity and a scoundrel who is not
regarded as a leader and therefore wasn’t and will never be invited to any
meeting at Aso Rock, Nwodo and his local cabal rejoiced and grinned from ear to
ear in excitement as the insults on our leader by Garba Shehu, somebody
Onochie, etc. continued unabated soon after the Abuja meeting.
There has not been, till date any effort by Nwodo and co to
counter or correct the statements by Garba Shehu and other hangers on of the
Buhari administration but rather all that Nwodo demanded was mere political
appointments that will benefit only his family and his co-conspirators.
Everybody knows this is not what IPOB want or demanding for. We are demanding
for a referendum to determine if Biafrans want to remain in Nigeria or not,
considering our slave status which the likes of Nwodo appear to be benefiting
from. Referendum is the only process that would allow Nwodo and his gang to
convince the people in an open debate, why Nigeria is a better option than
Biafra not through persecution of IPOB. Nwodo, clearly betrayed our trust and
traded away our struggle for independence for mere appointments, which by the
way, are yet to come.
4. Nwodo went to
Anambra State House of Assembly to disparage our leader for demanding that the
hopelessly oppressed people of Eastern Nigeria, most especially Anambra State
would henceforth embark on civil disobedience and passive resistance which
includes election boycotts. Nwodo went around government houses collecting
money and raining insults on IPOB leadership. He even decreed that he has
“countermanded” our decision to boycott elections. Nwodo deliberately turned
himself into an enemy of the people in order to advance his personal dream of
packaging himself as the most qualified Easterner for Vice Presidential
nomination for 2019.
5. Nwodo, like
everybody else, knows that crowd that attend IPOB rallies and events number in
their millions, yet till date no single incident of violence has ever been
recorded at any of our gatherings. So, where does the appellation of a violent
group come from? This is a question Nwodo must answer. Everybody knows it for a
fact that Nwodo inspired the governors to join the well orchestrated Arewa
persecution IPOB and it's leader—as if that will stop us, because we chose Prof
Ben Nwabueze to lead our negotiations with government rather than the
irredeemably corrupt Ohaneze.
He was piqued that every effort he made to join our meeting
with the governors at Enugu was turned down, even when the governors pleaded
that he and another politician join us during the photo session. That too was
turned down by our leader. Nwodo went into a rage and conspired with the
Northern Army (his masters all his life) and the governors to unleash military
backed violent attack on defenceless citizens in the hope that such a murderous
blow will destroy IPOB. His rage is simple: if he is not in charge, then nobody
6. Nwodo held a
meeting in Abuja with Presidency officials, where Python Dance was planned and
approved. Nwodo mounted pressure on the governors to proscribe IPOB as if mere
banning of rallies and public gatherings
were capable of destroying IPOB, how mistaken they are. Same Nwodo embarked on public relations
onslaught by touring hostile media houses to deceive the masses that his hands
are clean, when in actual fact he is the brain behind the genocidal Operation
Python Dance II and murderous raid on Kanu's home. We know his hands are not
clean, nobody is deceived one bit.
7. Nwodo has always
been a slave of the caliphate and a proud lap dog of Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar.
Instances abound where Nwodo, even as Ohaneze President General, attended
events on behalf of and in representative capacity for Abdulsalami Abubakar.
When Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi foisted him on Ohanaeze in January this year, he
embarked on image laundering by picking up restructuring agenda and repeating
it everywhere as if he has ever believed in it. Nwodo has never mentioned or
advocated restructuring of Nigeria in his over 3000 press interviews in all his
65 years on earth, anywhere before January 2017.
His political learning has always been pro North, from NPN
to the APP. He mentioned restructuring Nigeria for the very first time in his
life, only after he was made Ohanaeze President General and realising that
without IPOB his administration will be as unmemorable as that of his
predecessor. He was not part of the highly respected team of elders who worked
hard over many years to water the ground by successfully selling the
restructuring Agenda. Nwodo merely jumped into the band wagon of restructuring
because he saw that IPOB has reshaped the political landscape. He had no choice
than to buy into it. He has never been one of those who advanced the restructuring
Agenda for many years now.
8. Nwodo is piqued
and pissed that we did not allow him to trade with the great IPOB and present
himself as the overall leader of Eastern Nigeria, thereby packaging himself as
the ultimate VP choice for 2019. We have nothing against his secret and hidden
political ambitions. We wish him luck. It’s just that Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB will
not be available for him to trade off. We will always prefer men like the 87
year old Prof Ben Nwabueze, First Republic Minister Mbazuluike Amechi and the
upright Archbishop Anthony Obinna to lead us to any meeting with government.
Nwodo can get as mad as he wants to and proceed to invite the Army to come and
scatter the meeting, simply because we refused to allow him to lead our delegation
but that won't deter nor even slow us down. IPOB is simply unstoppable!
How can we destroy our struggle by allowing ourselves to be
led to a meeting by a man who believes that our struggle should only be used to
garner appointments from this Buhari’s caliphate government. We respect and
remain in very good terms with upright, sincere leaders, elders from across
Biafraland and beyond. We will always stay away from hustlers and agents of
Northern leaders who strive to use our blood to advance their personal gains.
We know that the whole world, the EU, the UN, the USA and the suffering masses
of Nigeria, know that we are not a violent organization. We are not bothered by
false accusations from Nwodo and South East governors.
Moreover, he Nwodo and his allies that have served
Northerners all their lives and got rewarded with ministerial appointments,
what else can they show for all the years of loyal service to Arewa caliphate
or in what way have they positively impacted on the lives of ordinary people.
Nwodo and his lies will never be part of our righteous struggle to free
ourselves from the bondage inflicted on us through active connivance of those
like Nwodo and their gangs. On the 18th of November 2017, the walls of Jericho
will come falling down flat. IPOB is indestructible and incorruptible, Nwodo
and his gang of Hausa Fulani slaves are about to discover this immutable truth.

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